Affiliate Links
Revolin Sports
Ryan and Jenna are proudly sponsored by Revolin Sports, a Holland, MI based paddle company. It was started in 2019 to empower pickleball players with vibration dampening, high performing pickleball paddles that are also eco-friendly. Ryan and Jenna have demo’s to use at all of the lessons and clinics. If you’re ready to buy or would like more information, support us by using our link below and code “thirdshotdrop” for an extra 10% off!
Recreation Departments
We partnered with Holland City Recreation, Holland Township Recreation, Park Township Recreation and Zeeland Recreation to offer lessons and leagues. We look forward to bringing you great camps again next year thru rec dept programming - which is located on Holland Recreation’s website this year!
Pickleball Club Page
Join Holland Zeeland Pickleball Club’s page on Facebook to keep updated on open play times, pick up play, leagues, clinics, and general pickleball information. This Facebook page is run by Jenna and Ryan, and was previously handled by Holland City Rec Dept. It was handed over to us when we were asked to take more of a lead in organizing public play on behalf of and in conjunction with the rec depts mentioned above. The group’s purpose is to serve the greater pickleball community with information, especially in regards to recreation dept programming (clinics, leagues, organized open play). It is a free club, so if you’re on the page, you’re a member! We’re thankful to have local rec departments who want to be involved in programming for the community!!